Educational technology is my passion, and this fosters my research into the development of tools for teaching and learning English as a foreign or other language, and supports me as an Ed Tech consultant. My current research focus is on the practical and theoretical perspectives of the pedagogical potential of chatbots, HCI, and conversational AI to support the development of conversation skills in English language learners.
Previous research projects include the investigation into the use of robots and autonomous systems to scaffold language learning, by examining the affordances they offer and how this varies in different contexts. I am specifically interested in the affective effects of using autonomous robots for language-learning, and the value of HRI. This includes the cognitive capacity of robots to respond in the language-learning landscape, and how using robots enables us to gain a greater understanding of cognitive neuroscience and the language learning process.
I have extensive writing experience and contribute regularly to digital and print publications, as well as sharing ideas here and at conferences.