Here is the video of my talk at the IATELF BESIG Conference: Using video to help develop oral presentation skills using mobile devices, held in Sitges this weekend; 13-15 November 2015.
My talk centred around the use of video to encourage learners to become reflective practitioners and engage in their own reflective practice.
Here’s how:
- Learners brainstorm or ‘thought shower’ the features of a good presentation.
- The features are boarded open-class so all students have the same ‘checklist’.
- Students mark features from the checklist that they do/don’t do.
- They give the presentation and are recorded by a classmate/colleague so they own the content which enables unlimited replay.
- Each student assesses their performance against the checklist to compare what they think they do and what they really do, and sets some personal objectives to improve from the features.
- They then partake in reflective practice to think about what they do, and consider how they can make improvements.
- They use a reflective cycle to guide them on their journey of thinking and doing to improve their presentation/speaking skills for the objective set out.
The main principles of my reflective cycle are:
- Plan
- Record
- View
- Analyse
- Reflect
- Correct
I shared some research I have done an EAP context, but have also used this with students preparing for Cambridge exams, and business English classes in 1:1 and group contexts.
I have already received some very positive feedback from some of the attendees at my talk, so let me know if you try this and how it works.