Category Archives: Workshops & Talks

#iELT15 Innovate ELT Conference Barcelona

Aperitivo, group activities, mini plenaries, breakfast, lesson demo sessions, short 30 minute talks, speaker speed dating, mingling with the speakers, and, party!!! Probably not what you’d expect from an ELT conference, but then that’s what Innovate ELT in Barcelona was all about; INNOVATION. My head is still spinning because I met so many lovely people, made new friends, learnt so much and had a lot of fun. The president has been set for the new style of ELT conference…



Video – Teaching, learning and reflective practice in ELT

Here is a clip from the talk I gave at Oxford Tefl in Barcelona in February about using mobile phones for teaching and learning. I really enjoyed sharing my ideas with the attendees and all the feedback and interaction which helped me for giving further talks on the subject, and presenting my ideas in general.

Seeing myself on film has been been invaluable for learning how I come across when presenting.  I have watched the footage repeatedly for reflective practice and to observe my presentation style, and as a corrective tool to consider any changes or improvements that could be made to my presentations.

I will be sharing my ideas about the use of video for teaching learning at the Innovate ELT conference on the 9th May.

Clever ways of using mobile phones for learning

Blended Learning

Today I am presenting my ideas for a Blended Learning teaching solution via a single community blog Using Academic English